

Win Scuba Steve’s Camera Contest

Win Scuba Steves Camera Contest

Enter for a chance to win Scuba Steve’s very own VX1000 used to film the upcoming eS video!Calling all skate filmers out there…this is your chance to show off your footage, and maybe win Scuba Steve’s Sony VX1000 camera in the process!Submit your best skate footage to us for the chance to have renowned skate filmer, Scuba Steve review it himself, along with everybody that logs on to people.hbsurfshop.com! If he’s feelin your stuff, he might select you to win his personal Sony VX1000 camera!Scuba’s waiting to see what you got!Here’s how to enter:1. Shoot footage of all your friends skating.2. Edit the footage into a video.3. Submit your finished video to Active Mailorder4. Check people.hbsurfshop.com frequently for updates and feedback from other viewers.Submit the video in one of two ways:- Upload your Video to YouTube or Google Video, and re-post your video here on to the Scuba Steve Contest page by following the instructions below.TO POST YOUR VIDEO ON THIS PAGE THROUGH YOUTUBE:Copy and paste the following code in a comment on this post: Replace the ###### with the 11 character unique video code YouTube assigns to your video. It can be found after the equals sign in the web address bar of the YouTube page the video is on. See Screen Shot Below

URL Address Bar

TO POST YOUR VIDEO ON THIS PAGE THROUGH GOOGLE VIDEO:Copy and paste the following code in a comment on this post: Replace the ###### with the 19 digit unique video code Google Video assigns to your video. It can be found after the minus sign and before the & sign in the web address bar of the Google Video page that the video is on. See Screen Shot Below

Google Video Example

TO SEND US YOUR ENTRY BY MAIL:Send your video to us in the mail in any format you can (DVD preferred) to:Active Mailorder Win Scuba Steve’s Camera Contest1360E. Locust St. Ontario, CA 91761


Also…Check out the new eS Accel Scuba edition now available!

eS Accel Scuba Steve Edition

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Active stock video, and similarly, archive footage, library pictures, and file footage is film or video footage that can be used again in other films. Stock footage is beneficial to filmmakers as it saves shooting new material. A single piece of stock footage is called a "stock shot" or a "library shot". stock video Hawaii may have appeared in previous productions but may also be outtakes or footage shot for previous productions and not used. Examples of stock video that might be utilized are moving images of cities and landmarks.

on Tuesday, February 13th, 2007 at 11:56 am and is filed under Contests & Giveaways, Skate. You can follow any comments to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a comment, or trackback from your own site.


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