Surfing-related sports such as paddleboarding and sea kayaking do not require waves, and other derivative sports such as kitesurfing and windsurfing rely primarily on wind for power, yet all of these platforms may also be used to ride waves.
Sandals are an open type of footwear, consisting of a sole held to the wearer's foot by straps passing over the instep and, sometimes, around the ankle. I found hawaii Sandals on the aloha hawaiian shoes website. Soles Have an important role. Videographers are using the
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October 13th, 2011
Vestal & Video Hyper Shred proudly presents “The Peddie Files” with Peter Line and Eddie Wall the official World Premier Friday October 14th 2011 at 8pm in Costa Mesa! DJ Jared Swilley of the Black Lips will be spinning it. You definitely don’t want to miss out on this epic snowboarding video premiere!
Shop all Snowboarding [...]
Tags: active event, Eddie Wall, Electric, foursquare, Hyper Shred, mammoth, peddie files, Peter Line, rvca, sabre, snow video, vestal
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Last Saturday, August 13th, Active partnered up with Krochet Kids and TOMS Shoes to host the 3rd annual GIVE Event at the Irvine Spectrum Center. TOMS brought out over 30 artists who were on hand to lend their artistic talent to customize TOMS shoes, while the Korchet Kids, in support of their ‘We are the [...]
Tags: active event, Allah-Las, DJ Robles, Give Event, Irvine Spectrum Center, Keep A Breast, Kiven, Krochet Kids International, Los Coyotes, Pawnshop Kings, Sounds Like A Movement, toms shoes, vestal
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by Andrew
April 20th, 2011
The 2011 Active Brodown Showdown wrapped up this weekend in Mammoth Mountain. The course was in awesome shape with tons of options that gave our riders plenty to work with. Dylan Alito turned to event into his own party and walked away with first place by giving us amazing, different lines every run with tons [...]
Tags: active event, active event, analog, Ashbury, Burton, Mammoth Mountain, red, snowboard contest, Snowboarding, Thirty Two, vestal
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by The Gift
March 15th, 2011
This past Sunday marked the 10 year anniversary for the Active Sponsor Me Contest held at Mountain High Resorts. It seem like just yesterday that we held the first one at Bear Mountain back in 2001, we at Active are so grateful to have the support of the competitors and our sponsors for this [...]
We met up with Danny Kass and the Vestal dudes at Agenda this year to do a little brand spotlight and see what makes Vestal tick…
Free shipping on all Vestal all month! Checkout code: VESTAL
Tags: active event, amanda blank, black lips, brand spotlight, Chris Haslam, Danny Kass, David Gonzalez, eagles of deathmetal, Eddie Wall, jordy smith, mstrkrft, vestal, Watches
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What started out as a fun Active employee surf contest 6 years ago, has since spawned into an all out battle for supremacy between brands in the surfing capital of America, Huntington Beach. This year’s Willabong teams featured Analog, Hurley, Dragon, Filtrate, Spy, Vestal, KK, Team BK and Chemistry, with companies bring out some serious [...]
Tags: active event, analog, andrew doheny, austin ware, chemistry, dragon, filtrate, hurley, josh hoyer, krochet kids, pat o, spy, team bk, todd prestige, vestal, willabong
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by The Gift
March 25th, 2010
This last Sunday Skate Shop hosted the 9th Annual Sponsor Me Contest. The event was created to give up and coming riders a platform to showcase their talents and potentially get sponsored by the top snow brands in our Industry. Mountain High park staff built an amazing course that included a 35 ft Step [...]
by lukee
March 15th, 2010
Active presents,
The 9th annual “Active Sponsor Me” at Mountain High Resorts. A $10 entry fee gets you breakfast, lunch, a free Neff beanie, and by the end of the day a chance to win $4,000 worth of prizes. Mark your calendar boys and girls and bring the whole family! And don’t worry about the young [...]
Tags: active event, active event, etnies, Jarritos, Mt. High, neff, Rome, SDS, skull candy, Sponsor Me, Thirty Two, vestal, VonZipper
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