
Ask Mike Carroll YOUR Questions!

UPDATE 9/15- Carroll Answers YOUR Questions here

Ask Mike Carroll

Mike Carroll is the next skater to answer YOUR questions about whatever you’d like to get answered. If you’re lucky, he’ll pick your question and answer it for you on camera right here on hbsurfshop.com You have until June 30th to get your questions in and we will post the video of Carroll’s answers soon thereafter.

Mike will also pick his favorite question and that person will win a package from all of his sponsors. Good luck!

**Make sure you submit your correct email address, as to be notified if you are the winner**

Check out Erik Ellington, Jamie Thomas, Braydon Szafranski’s, and Mike Vallely’s Answers!



  1. Mishel says:

    How do you feel about the way your life turned out for you and the success of Girl and Lakai?

  2. jacob says:

    hows life?

  3. Tomy says:

    Hey Mike,

    Just wondering how long you’ve been skating for Girl.

  4. bo says:

    What’s been your fondest memory of having your own company(ies)?

  5. Kelan Nee says:

    when you started skating who were your main inspirations and role models?

  6. Kelan Nee says:

    Has skating gotten you through any hard times? what was the most memorable?

  7. matthew saavedra says:

    when you first started skating, did you picture yourself as famous as you are today?

  8. Jared Arnold says:

    Hey Mike I was just wondering how it’s like up skating in san fran…good spots?bad security?

  9. Armin says:

    What`s up Mike,how u doing ?
    I have to say that Lakai is the best skate shoe company outthere.
    Everything is so light,fun and just for skateboarding…
    And the team is just right.
    Right now I have Manchester select`s the yellow and black ones,and they look so good.
    And I think that the same way is with Girl and Chocolate,they are just two great companys.
    All though I think Four Star could make a litlle better clothes,but still I buy it just becouse the team is so awsome.

    But my question would be…
    How did you feel when Eric told you that he`s of Lakai and going to Nike ?

  10. Riley says:

    Why do you skateboard?

  11. Andy says:

    Will you buy me 40 nuggets too?

  12. Justin Day says:

    your all too late! it ended like 4 days ago

  13. matthew saavedra says:

    why did you start skating? did it come from neglagance of family? did you like it from the start or what?

  14. matthew saavedra says:

    have you heard from mike schwartz lately?

  15. matthew saavedra says:

    how did you feel about james jocking your style by kickflipping up the stairs? same as you in the plan b video

  16. harrison says:

    hey mike, have you ever thought about quiting skating?

  17. matthew saavedra says:

    will these people ever make a video to who won?

  18. Who or what was your biggest influence in deciding to make skateboarding your career??

  19. Kenneth Jambaro says:

    how do i become like you when i grow up?

  20. Justin Day says:

    why is erica so hot?

  21. mike rodriguez says:

    Will you do anything different the day of the battle [crailtap]

  22. Ernie Lopez says:

    what drugs have you done?

  23. Hagan Chase says:

    How does it feel knowing that your a big part of skateboarding and what it has become today. You’ve made some pretty epic video parts that endlessy inspire a whole generation of skaters. How crazy is it to have kids look up to you and has it all been worth it?

  24. Erica Yary says:

    **UPDATE** We are going to be filming Mike answer these questions next week and should have it online shortly thereafter. Thanks for participating and keep an eye out for the answers!!

  25. Aivars Akis says:

    is skateboarding getting harder or easier ? ;]

  26. Josh Alvarez says:

    Hey Mike, Did you ever bomb the hills in San Fransico when you were a kid?

  27. tanner blake says:

    hey.has skateboarding effected your life? how is touring the world?

  28. Nick Kitchens says:

    Did you get laid more when you turned pro?

  29. Mher Mikaelyan says:

    Has the growing popularity of skateboarding had an impact on your skateboarding/video parts?

  30. Matthew Zarr says:

    I’ve seen you with Eric Koston in video games and I hear yours and his name mentioned together a lot, so my question is: How is the relationship between you and Koston? Are you guys like best buds?

  31. David karlsson says:

    what did you think about sweden :D it was really avsome when i met you and the rest of the four star team there :D i hope you enjoyed it and you will come back :D

  32. matthew saavedra says:

    when you are frozen, do you age?

  33. King Omar says:

    why are your shoes so crappy???

  34. King Omar says:

    Did you become a homosexual growing up in SF??

  35. matthew saavedra says:

    how come you hardly ever skate in the fourstar videos?

  36. evan bailey says:

    as a team member for royal trucks.what is your favorite royal truck. And do you ever hang out with jerry hsu. If so is jerry a sarcastict being.

  37. evan bailey says:

    hey mike. I was just wondering. Are you athiest. If this question makes you mad. Then I’m sorry. Are any of the guys on girl are christian. If so can u give me there names.

  38. Austin G says:

    how do you describe your perfect day

  39. matthew saavedra says:

    hey mike you have been in every revolutionary video, changed skateboarding, and started a revolution. How does it feel to looked up to by millions? Do you feel you want to do more?

  40. matthew saavedra says:

    oh i promise this is my last comment. in the fourstar video,a tribe called mapquest, were you singing ”hey, tonight”. or was that just a coincidence when the music started playing?

  41. matthew saavedra says:

    dang i didnt even realize i stole Hagan chase’s question.

  42. Javier Arroyo says:

    Ok so lets say that one day you get a chance to go back in time and change everything in your life so that you could do anything you wanted ,such as be a pro bmx rider, and artist, a director or even and actor, would you do it? If so what would you do and why?

  43. matthew saavedra says:

    if you can run a worldwide campaign about anything, what would it be? would it be for you? cancer? skating?

  44. Alex Dare says:

    Whats been your inspiration and driving force throughout your career?

  45. momo says:

    when you do/did harder drugs than weed, did you have any epic epiphanies (involving skateboarding)?

  46. xxxfrogiexxx says:

    victorville nd san pedro nd lbc is dee bes place ta sk8

  47. xxxfrogiexxx says:

    der all in california

  48. Alfred says:

    Dear Mike,
    We as in me and my friend Brendan were wondering how many girls have fucked?

  49. Elliott says:

    In all of your years as a pro skater, which tour did you have the most fun filming for and why?

  50. Quentin says:

    sKuRfBoArD is my new invention and startup.


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