Posts Tagged ‘chris gregson’

Collin & Friends Park Crashers



Collin & Friends Park Crashers

Active’s newly crowned pro Collin Provost rolled through the Active Park with a few heads  & picked up some quick footy. Featuring: Collin, Marquis Preston, Andrew Lutheran, Little Chris, Ryan Ruoff & Spencer Pollock. Filmed & Edited by Chris Gregson Stayed tuned for an Emerica Park Crashers and be on the look out for Collin’s new [...]

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Figgy Goes Pro!!



Figgy Goes Pro!!

Congrats to our very own Justin “Figgy” Figueroa, HE”S GONE PRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So welcome new Active Pro Figgy figs!! So proud of him… we’ve seen him literally grow up!! Not sure if you seen it but here’s Figgy’s Stay Gold Warm Up Footy put togehter by our good homie Chris Gregson. Enjoy!! Tweet

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