
Shake Junt Wussup Haters T-Shirt!

Shake Junt Wussup Haters t-shirt now in stock! By the homies for the homies!

Shake Junt Wassup Homies T-Shirt

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Are you a Homie or a Hater?

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  1. AL3X says:


  2. Nic Jurand says:

    why would anyone vote hater?
    haters are lame and dont get anywhere

  3. Aaron says:

    do you like mike mo.

  4. talk sick says:

    I know a lot of chicks that are straight HATERS!

  5. justice says:

    G-code for life!!!
    Chicken bone nowison

  6. rick says:

    straight up g code mutha fuka!!!!!!!!shake junt 4 life

  7. izzy says:

    im a bit of both

  8. mateo v says:

    i hate the haters but my home is for the homies

  9. fred says:

    Wussup Haters

  10. heart says:

    Im a Hater for life, but Ive got madd love for Shake Junt Shane

  11. Satan 666 says:

    how can any body hate on the passion, you goomba ass niggas better stop hatin’ and recognize the junt is makin’ it big…SHAKE JUNT

  12. max says:

    everybody is a hater at heart, we just don’t like to admit it.

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