
Mike Vallely Answered YOUR Questions

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Mike Vallely took some time out of his busy schedule to answer some of the questions that you wrote in and asked him. Check out the video to see if your question made the cut.

Mike V also decided that his favorite question in the video was Will W’s: “Mike, whatup? I dig most of the s**t you spit. I am definitely old school, but I try to stay in touch. How do you feel about the current arena for skating? And do you think it is possible for these kids to feel the same about skating as you do with all the dinero and corporate games (dew tour, Xgames, commercials) being thrown in their face?”

Congrats to Will on winning the Element package. We will be doing another one of these soon with another skateboarder so check back!

Video: Erik Bragg

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  1. Bubs says:

    Mike V has done so much for skateboarding, stoked to see you guys showing him some love.

  2. razy says:

    he answered mine sweet!!!

  3. Al says:

    Mike V is one of the best he is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

  4. ritchie says:

    shes ******* hot

  5. jacob says:

    uummmm she is hot erica you are so hot!!

  6. [...] of questions from the people (like you and me) and had Mike Vallely answer them on video. See that video [...]

  7. trash digger says:

    Mike V is rad

  8. grant anderson says:

    i would have asked why he sucks so much,

  9. bill cosby says:

    Mike V is a disgrace to skateboarding. DO A REAL TRICK FOR ONCE!!!!

  10. vallelya says:

    bill cosby i think you need a fist in your mouth and a foot shoved up ur but. haha. you just got told by a 9 year old GIRL! any comments mr “i think im so cool.” how about you do a trick for me huh? feel free to reply.

  11. andy says:

    erica yary is so cute

  12. Alex says:

    Mike V sucks

  13. d9M5X7QH says:

    You people that make fun of mike v, why do you look him up? to steal his tricks? Or to stare at that erica chick?

  14. xxxfrogiexxx says:

    mike mo izz a fukkkin poser he cant evan
    land a tre flip
    wit hizzz pozzer ass

  15. Dylan says:


  16. mikevsucks says:

    mike v sucks ballsu seen game of skate at the berrics he did all those gay ass little tricks and tried to win with variel but couldnt even land it 3 times
    and mike mo would tear his **** up xxxfrogiexxx mike mo won the first battleoftheberrics without gay ass tricks

  17. Gerald Sacco says:

    Skateboarding is Skateboarding… Mike V is for real, and true to it … He made his mark on it and will forever be apart of it.. Keep Ripping it up Mike…

    Jerry S.

  18. The BEATS says:

    I have that T shirt :O

  19. wil says:

    Mike V is the man, he’s done a lot for skateboarding!

  20. dus_dinger says:

    what the **** is up with the beard and hair piece??? ******’ bush league

  21. Armin Halvadzic says:

    everyone should show some respect to Mike V.
    dude is always doing something…
    demos,contest`s,traveling or making video parts…
    he`s just inspaering

  22. Armin Halvadzic says:

    why did they had to move in to kitchen ?

  23. Omarr.. says:

    Erica Yary Is Gorgeous…!!
    does she have a myspace..??haha

  24. Eric is hot says:


  25. x-factor says:

    Mike sucks so bad i dont wont him on my show any more when i make it

  26. C-lo says:

    Really now i bet he could whip ur tail

  27. x-factor says:

    oh yeah well um
    ur fat

  28. C-lo says:

    No im not i weigh 157

  29. x-factor says:

    dumdness im waitin on ur come back

  30. C-lo says:

    So what

  31. x-factor says:

    tony hawk yeah im related to him

  32. C-lo says:


  33. x-factor says:


  34. C-lo says:

    What did u say

  35. x-factor says:

    stupid *******

  36. C-lo says:

    Dude do u no who ur talkin to BIT*&

  37. x-factor says:

    oh no u didnt u fat toasted marshmellow

  38. C-lo says:

    I hope erica is single

  39. x-factor says:

    im mentally insane

  40. C-lo says:

    I can make her scream And ur retarted leave me alone

  41. School Board says:


  42. x-factor says:


  43. x-factor says:

    miki love

  44. C-lo says:

    HE Is a dumbadouble ss

  45. x-factor says:

    i like explosives

  46. Scholo Board says:

    GO to the office of your school right know you are being suspended for 100 days

  47. B hardy says:

    Sup guys

  48. x-factor says:

    erica marry me plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  49. ikimevol says:

    yo wats up

  50. C-lo says:


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